Transitions to foster care can be both emotionally challenging and frightening, and many children move multiple times with nothing to call their own... 

Our Mission

Love on Wheels is a non-profit organization that provides new suitcases filled with basic necessities for children entering the foster care system.  Our goal is provide stability and a stronger sense of self-worth to children in crisis as they transition into a new home. 

The first 4 1/2 minutes of this video explains our mission.  The entire 12:47-minute video captures the roller coaster of emotions a child in foster care might experience.  Please join us in our mission to help these children feel loved.

Core Values

  • Faith
    As a Christian-based organization, our faith in God empowers us to set a powerful example of His love as we serve children in the foster care system. Our actions reflect His care for all His children.

  • Dignity
    We believe every individual should be treated with kindness and respect. We strive to have the children feel loved, cherished, valued, and safe.

  • Community
    We believe God is best served by uniting volunteers, organizations, and partners through love and purpose. When we work together to meet the needs of the children, we become advocates for a positive change in the foster care system.

  • Integrity
    We believe all of our actions as an organization should be honest, fair, and purposeful - be it fundraising, working with our partners, or intentionally filling the suitcases with new and safe items.  

You’ve got to get up every morning with a smile on your face
And show the world all the love in your heart
Then people gonna treat you better
You’re gonna find, yes you will
That you’re beautiful as you feel.
— "Beautiful" - Carole King